Designing a Benefit Package for Your Small Business
One of the greatest benefits our clients have come to appreciate from us is the different shadow services we provide. While serving as a financial and tax advisor we get to see both sides of our clients personal finances. It helps us be better advisors. Some of the shadow services we provide clients include calculating…
Read MoreTapping the Equity in Your Home
Over time, the value of your home has grown and your mortgage balance has been reduced (or even eliminated). The equity (the property’s value minus any liens against it) you now have in your home is a reservoir of funding potential. You may decide to tap into it for various purposes, such as remodeling your home, paying…
Read MoreUnderstanding Your Credit Report
Your credit report contains information about your past and present credit transactions. It’s used primarily by potential lenders to evaluate your creditworthiness. So if you’re about to apply for credit, especially for something significant like a mortgage, you’ll want to get and review a copy of your credit report. You can see what they see:…
Read MoreHealth Insurance in Retirement
At any age, health care is a priority. When you retire, however, you will probably focus more on health care than ever before. Staying healthy is your goal, and this can mean more visits to the doctor for preventive tests and routine checkups. There’s also a chance that your health will decline as you grow…
Read MoreMutual Funds Explained in Simple Terms
A mutual fund pools the money of many investors to purchase securities. The fund’s manager buys securities to pursue a stated investment strategy. By investing in the fund, you’ll own a piece of the total portfolio of securities, which could be anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds of securities. This provides you with a…
Read More2018 Q2Market Commentary
Looking back on our commentary written in early January we see that the S&P 500 closed at 2,673.61. It now stands at 2,718.37 as of the close of the 2nd quarter – up a whopping 1.7% for the year. It’s hard to put a positive spin on that kind of return but in all reality,…
Read MoreHow to Roll Over Your Employer Retirement Plan
There are two types of rollovers: direct and indirect. A direct rollover is paid from your plan directly to your IRA or to your new employer’s retirement plan. The funds are never payable to you. An indirect (60-day) rollover is a payment made to you that you later roll over to an IRA or an…
Read MoreSocial Security Retirement Benefits
Social Security was originally intended to provide older Americans with continuing income after retirement. Today, though the scope of Social Security has been widened to include survivor, disability, and other benefits, retirement benefits are still the cornerstone of the program. How do you qualify for retirement benefits? When you work and pay Social Security taxes…
Read MoreHSA Deposit Limits for 2018-2019
The 2018 family maximum Health Savings Account contribution limit is $6,900. It has been widely reported, erroneously, that the limit remains at $6,850. The 2018 single maximum HSA deposit limit is $3,450. One financial planning strategy everyone can use is to allow your HSA balance to carryover from year to year and be invested in…
Read MoreInvestment Planning: The Basics
Why do so many people never obtain the financial independence that they desire? Often it’s because they just don’t take that first step — getting started. Besides procrastination, other excuses people make are that investing is too risky, too complicated, too time consuming, and only for the rich. The fact is, there’s nothing complicated about…
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