What You Need to Know About Student Loan Debt

Student loan debt. Three words that strike fear into new graduates and parents everywhere. There are ways, however, to make the repayment of student loans more manageable.  You may be surprised to learn that Income Driven Repayment Plans (IDR Plans) and loan forgiveness opportunities were created with you in mind. The only problem? You must…

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Streamlined Security on Schwab Alliance & Mobile Enhancements

Schwab has streamlined the process of gaining web access to your accounts on Schwab Alliance without compromising online security.  When you enroll for web access you can now choose to verify your identity via a phone call or text message instead of answering questions about your account. Version 8.0 of the Schwab Mobile App has…

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Data Breach at Equifax: What to Do

There is a good chance if you have a credit report that you are among the over 100 million American consumers whose social security numbers, birth dates, driver’s license numbers and addresses were compromised during the data breach at Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies. According to Equifax the breach occurred from…

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Rules of an Inherited Traditional IRA

When inheriting a traditional IRA in a non-spousal relationship, you have different options based on the age of the original account holder of the traditional IRA. If the account holder was under 70 1/2 you have three options: Life Expectancy Method: annual distributions over your life expectancy based on your age in the calendar year following…

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Schwab Mobile Check Deposit

Looking for an easier way to deposit checks into your Schwab account? Charles Schwab now has Schwab Mobile Deposit. You can deposit checks wherever you are with their mobile check deposit service. You can make deposits to your eligible Schwab Bank or Schwab Brokerage and IRA accounts by simply taking pictures of your checks with…

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Making Everything Simpler & More Secure for Our Clients

Yesterday, we closed our offices so our team could attend a one-day Charles Schwab conference.  This conference offered us so much new and exciting information.  Your experience with Chesapeake Financial Advisors and with Charles Schwab will improve greatly – now – and in the coming months. Improvements have been made in several areas of client…

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Retirement Planning (It is never too Early)

Retirement is one of the biggest experiences that you will have in your lifetime. The planning takes many years of hard work and persistence. The headaches and uncertainty can be reduced with homework, investment plan, and a long term commitment. Retirement planning is a continuous process that even goes on in retirement.   To get…

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At Schwab your voice can be your password

How does no more PINs and no more personal questions sound? Schwab has introduced a new voice ID service that allows you to access your Schwab accounts by saying, “At Schwab, my voice is my password.”  The new technology uses voice biometrics to identify different behavioral and physical characteristics unique to your voice.  It is…

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New & Improved Paperless Enrollment on SchwabAlliance.com

Is your mailbox overflowing?  Do you want a more secure delivery system than having your paper statements sitting in the mailbox for anyone to steal?  How about saving a few bucks on equity trade transaction fees?  It’s all available via Schwab’s Paperless Statement and E-delivery services on SchwabAlliance.com. Schwab allows you to receive your documents…

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It’s Tax time.

Chesapeake Financial Advisors & Charles Schwab offer automatic downloads of your tax forms. Schwab changed the 2016 mailing dates for the 1099 Composite and Year-End Summary tax report. This change was implemented due to an increase in the number of mutual funds and ETFs that reclassify their income in late January and early February. The…

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